Rest Area
Postcard from Warbler Park
This is Not a Blue-Ribbon Black Angus Hovering Above a Field of Poppies
Synaptic Frost and Fire
Pieta (with Blue Marlin)
1/2 of Abraham Lincoln
Accidents Will Happen
Another Tom, Another Place
Kooka w/ Wireless Remote-Controlled Hexacontatetragon Yo-Yo
Wherefore Art Tao
Aluminum Eldorado w/ Practical Tactile Christ
Nothing Is Ever What It Is
Duck and Globe
Madonna with Yellow Jacket
It's too late to save America. Too late to save it, pointless to try. It’s a venture tantamount to a pathetic exercise in futility; like continuing to play the oboe in an orchestra tumbling down the deck of the Titanic as it lurches vertical.
And don't even start with the "Make America Great Again" horseshit. Nothing great is ever meant to last. And nothing is ever even very great while it exists, depending on who you ask. It only becomes "great" when it’s become a fiction far behind us, long since disappeared in our rear view mirror. When it becomes softly mythologized by time; when we become nostalgic for it compared to the dystopian present that (for reasons miraculously incomprehensible at the time) replaced it. Like a tragic past relationship now suddenly fondly-idealized in the present; you may have forgotten why it had to end, but at the time you knew beyond doubt that it absolutely must. Likewise, our relationship to our ideal America of the past has to end. One generation or two from now it will have anyway.
Actually it’s already ended. Today America exists solely for the sake of its push-button military technology playing Whack-A-Mole in the Middle East for its favorite "ally." But that's another shit show.
Today, Americans are afraid. They live in fear. They're being guided and divided by fear. They are afraid of "terrorists " who, according to their leaders and media are everywhere in the world; in underground caves in the Middle East and even in the high schools of middle America. "Terrorists" are now as ubiquitous and invisible as once were demon spirits haunting the souls of those in "the Dark Ages." And just as those dreary souls were plagued by disease, poverty, slavery and demonic possession... Today, Americans are plagued by the same (real and imagined terrorists) but with the addition of "viral mutations" and even the vaccinations for them. And like the ignorant and obedient masses of the past, Americans live in morbid fear of things they cannot see, much less define; from terrorists who could be anyone, anywhere, to an invisible spirit of death they're told may be prevented from possessing their bodies by the mandatory injection of magical unfamiliar spirits, and the dutiful routine application of paper masks.
Something very theatrical and ritualistic in this. Reminds one of a cult(ure).
Americans fear saying what they think, and fear others saying what they think. So they attempt to censor themselves and each other out of fear of having or hearing the wrong opinion. Indeed, Americans would rather gaze down into their cell phones than talk or even look at each other. And they are forgetting how to do both. One more generation of this campaign of anti-socialization and American society will have been almost imperceptibly exchanged for the ontological terminus of state-controlled trans-humanism and the consensual preference for a simulated substitution which will safely insulate them from any further responsibility, any further freedom.
Americans today exhibit a general pattern of disturbance similar to that of a domestic herd of cattle spooked by a thunderstorm. But this level of agitation has been instigated and sustained, the level and intensity of fear calculated and manipulated; the herd now moving en masse in more or less unison to every discordant tune being played, and thereby precisely validating the elite's claims of moral, intellectual and spiritual superiority, and thus, the necessary imposition of responsibility and authority over the less fortunate, genetically-inferior domesticated beasts of burden. Thus, Americans are imprisoned within a darkened theater of 24/7 psychological warfare they are unable to resist; rendered hapless, distracted and disoriented by constant feeds of media fear-porn live-streamed into their traumatized, bovine minds, in real-time.
America, the whole world knows that your dominant Imperialist power, pervading now every corner of the planet, results only from your insatiable lust for war and greed for resources. America, you have become the instrument of the very demonic forces you'd promised to always protect us from. And the only congressional unanimity you ever display is the ease with which it is agreed to continuously sacrifice and bankrupt your own citizens by spending their expendable blood and money on your always-see-thru, always miraculously bi-partisan, corporate/CIA sponsored, media-driven world view; with every handsome talking head and Chicken Little gesture meant to compel us all to unquestionably accept this eternal damnation of endless “War on Terrorism,” and the perpetuation of invisible, ever-mutating pandemic variants determined to possess our souls and destroy our bodies, for all our damned lives.
For all our damned lives we are to be continuously conditioned to believe there is never to exist the slightest hope of peace and harmony ever in this world. Indeed, peace can never be, because peace doesn't turn a profit. And this, even in the light of unmentionable suspicions that our own priests, politicians, pop stars, professors, preachers, and pretend-journalists lie to us constantly. And like stunted bovine content to graze quietly, obliquely on the hillside, we complacently, obediently abide.
Political power?
What political power? Your politicians lie directly to your face all the time, and by now you not only expect it, you've come to accept it. It's a theater of sociopolitical deceit that's been normalized. So, when they lie again, and you and/or your children have to pay for whatever disaster follows, whose fault will it be?
Oh, of course. You were innocent, you were misled, deceived, you simply changed your mind, or it’s because of this or that trendy new psychological condition for which you may require trendy new pharmaceuticals. It’s never your fault for continuously coming to erroneous conclusions about everything from interpersonal relationships, to sexual confusion, to international political issues, to why your country requires the perpetual subsidization and maintenance of military bases all over the world. Never your fault. After 20 years you still can't locate an Iraq or Afghanistan on a map. Why? Because it's easier to just believe what you are told than to take the initiative to educate yourself, even if you have access to all the knowledge in the world literally in the palm of your hand.
But you have good excuses. Some days you find yourself inconveniently taxed with the task of inanely deliberating over which of the 200 fucking toothpastes, on 50 yards of shelving, will cover all the essential criteria your family uniquely requires for squeaky clean dental hygiene. Because, after all, your family is so very extra special.
It’s a venture equivalent to any other pathetic exercise in futility, like continuing to play your oboe, in a crisp new tuxedo, in an orchestra now tumbling headlong down the varnished decks of the Titanic; cellos, glockenspiels, expendable diplomats, pedigreed aristocrats, purebred poodles, et al, like so much useless refuge, as the great unsinkable ship now lurches, majestically, awesomely perpendicular to your final dark and icy horizon.
And don't let’s start with that "Make America Great Again" horseshit. We know that nothing “great” is ever meant to last, and that nothing is ever very “great” while it exists. It only becomes “great” when it’s in the rear view mirror, that is, when the hard edges are softly blurred by sentiment and time and we become nostalgic for those precious, sanitized yesterday’s we never knew, and never fully appreciated until now when we obsequiously bow mostly enslaved before the dystopian shit show/nightmare of terrorism that incredibly replaced all those silvery promises of the American Dream.
And like a tragic past relationship nostalgically, longingly, erroneously, contemplated in the present, we may have forgotten precisely why it had to end, but at the time, we knew intuitively it absolutely must. Likewise, America must end. America must needs sink, with Godspeed, beneath the waves of existential oblivion there to top the pile of previous imperialist and “unsinkable” regimes that didn’t know when to stop.
But really, what is/was there to save? What precious conventions have not been utterly compromised? What sacred traditions have not been ultimately sacrificed, with barely a whimper from suburbia, upon the altar of mammon?
Or are we to find ourselves longing for the lies, corruptions, and compromises of our megalomaniacal politicians? Or the lies, hypocrisies, corruptions, and compromises of our highly-venerated Christian religious leaders? Or would it be for the hardcore bi-partisan mythology of "free will" propagated, enculturated and institutionalized by both state and religion?
Maybe it’s the omnipresent high-tech surveillance apparatus and cyborg-ian police state (to which we gladly pay taxes) that spy upon everything we do outside the bedroom, and maintain a constant agitation of fear and terror upon us for which someday the next generation will undoubtedly wax nostalgic.
What remains of America to save? The founding principles of the United States of America have become no longer relevant, no longer comprehensible, much less “trending” in this irrational morass of ubiquitous social media distraction. The once feared, briefly mocked, then systemically inculcated “communist conspiracy” theory is now a fact, as should by now be obvious to all but mute and blinking morons. And no shortage of those.
Today America exists solely and tenuously for the sake of its push-button military technology playing Whack-A-Mole in the Middle East in everlasting obedience to it's favorite "ally" who (we know, but dare not say) actually orchestrates the whole shit show from the supreme heights of their (precisely Satanic) cultural and religious presumption of racial, spiritual and moral superiority. And we are now owned by them, like ranchers own cattle.
So at this point let's not start again with any more "New Deal," "New Green Deal," "Hope and Change," or "Make America Great Again" mainstream media manipulative mind-fucking. The religious slogans of a dead religion are no longer believable, no longer relevant. At this point I think many Americans, even stupid Americans, are making their necessary, though frivolous, adjustments to the lurching of the sinking ship. Put another way, what do you do when faced with the imminent decision between jumping out the window of a skyscraper, or turning around to run face first into a smoke and fire storm for the slim prospect of reaching an elevator that isn't already out-of-order?
Today, Americans live in a constant state of mortal terror. They are guided and divided by terror. In fact, Americans are terrorized by their own "War on Terror." They've exported so much terror they've come to rationally expect terror in return. They live in fear of "terrorists" who are almost spectral, and according to our American leaders are everywhere in the world; that is, from deep caves beneath deserts of the Middle East, to the seemingly innocuous high school cafeterias of middle America.
Terrorists are now as ubiquitous as once were "demon spirits" haunting the poor ignorant souls of the Dark Ages. And just as those gullible souls were terrorized by the constant threat of demonic possession and fatal plagues, Americans today are tormented by media-manufactured fears of perpetual viral mutations they cannot see, and terrorists-who-could-be-anyone.
If you think Americans have no reason to fear their own media, government, "democratic" institutions and intelligence agencies, then you've been multi-tasking the issue. Americans are, as should be obvious to anyone in the world paying any attention, extremely agitated, one might say, "spooked," and begging for, or in distressed anticipation of, the bestowal of some tender mercy, some temporal reprieve either by a miraculous salvation from some cartoonish messiah, or by swift and merciful liquidation in the Department of Voluntary Termination. They are now sufficiently primed to form orderly lines, with pertinent paperwork, outside the entrances of a hundred Walmart/FEMA camps.
Americans fear saying what they think, and fear others saying what they think, so they obediently censor themselves and each other out of fear of having or hearing an unpopular opinion, or in today's parlance, "hate speech." Where once upon a time Americans proudly defended their inheritance of freedom of speech, political dissent and artistic expression, today, Americans of every political persuasion are so terrified of ideas they've been taught to deem "conspiracies," they've psychologically digressed to childish tantrums of name-calling whilst plugging their fingers in their ears.
Americans today exhibit a pattern of disturbance similar to that of a domestic herd of bovine spooked and stampeded (but not enough) by the clap of a mere thunderstorm. But this level of agitation has been instigated and sustained; the level and intensity of fear calculated and manipulated; the herd now moving en masse in more or less unison to every discordant tune being piped into their softened psyche's, thereby precisely validating the oligarchical elites' claims of moral, intellectual and spiritual superiority, and thus, the rationalized acceptance of responsibility and authority over the less fortunate, genetically-inferior domesticated beasts over which they dutifully rule. Thus, Americans are imprisoned within a darkened theater of 24/7 psychological warfare they are unable to resist; rendered hapless, distracted and disoriented by constant feeds of media fear-porn live-streamed into their traumatized, bovine minds, in real-time.
Today Americans would rather gaze distractedly down into their "smart phones" than talk to, or even look at each other across the table. And they are rapidly forgetting how to do both. One more generation of this relentless campaign of division, facial masking, smart phones and anti-socialization and American society will have, almost imperceptibly, exchanged their media-inculcated fears for the ontological terminus of technocratically-controlled "trans-humanism," and the consensual preference for a simulated substitution, that is, a "virtual reality," or a "meta-verse," anything which will safely insulate them from any further insecurities, responsibility, and consequently, freedom. Americans have been worn down, vaguely deceived and are fast becoming mute and blinking automatons by their religious faith in technology.
America, the whole world knows that your dominant imperialist power, pervading now every corner of the planet, results only from your insatiable lust for war profits, power and greed for resources.
America, you have become the instrument of the very demonic forces you'd promised to always protect us from. And the only congressional unanimity you ever display is the ease with which it is agreed to continuously sacrifice and bankrupt your own citizens by spending their expendable blood and money on your always-see-thru, always miraculously bi-partisan, corporate/MIC/CIA sponsored, media-driven world view; with every handsome talking head and Chicken Little gesture meant to compel us all to unquestionably accept this eternal damnation of an endless “War on Terrorism,” and the perpetuation of invisible, ever-mutating plagues which are determined to destroy our bodies and souls for the rest of our damned lives.
For all our damned lives we are to be continuously conditioned to believe there is never to exist the slightest hope of peace and harmony ever again in this world. Indeed, peace can never be, because peace doesn't turn a profit. And this, especially in light of unmentionable suspicions, or "conspiracy theories" that our own priests, politicians, pop stars, professors, and pretend-journalists lie to us constantly; this has become our fate. And like stunted bovine content to graze quietly, obliquely on the hillside, we complacently, obediently tremble when told, and compliantly abide.
Political power?
What political power? Your politicians lie directly to your face all the time, and by now you not only expect it, you've come to accept it; it's a theater of sociopolitical deceit that's become normalized. So, when they lie again, and you and/or your children have to pay for whatever disaster follows, whose fault will it be?
Oh, of course. You were innocent, you were misled, deceived, you simply changed your mind, or it’s because of this or that trendy new psychological condition for which you may require trendy new pharmaceuticals. It’s never your fault for continuously coming to erroneous conclusions about everything from interpersonal relationships, to sexual identity, to international political issues, to why your country requires the perpetual subsidization and maintenance of military bases all over the world. Never your fault. And after 20 years most of you still can't locate Iraq, Libya, Ukraine or Afghanistan on a map. Why? Because it's easier to just believe what you are told than to take the initiative to educate yourself, even though you have access to all the knowledge in the world literally in the palm of your hand or back pocket. So what is your excuse?
Oh, but you have good excuses. Some days you find yourself inconveniently taxed with the task of inanely deliberating over which of the 200 fucking toothpastes, on 50 yards of Costco shelving, will cover all the essential criteria your family uniquely requires for squeaky clean dental hygiene. Because, after all, your family is extra special.
(toothpaste pic)
"Land of the Free, Home of the Brave"
European colonists got a shitty deal from the start. First, they got their weird pilgrim suits, hats, buckled shoes and bow ties soaked and soiled just getting off the boats. Then they tried having turkey and popcorn picnics with half-naked natives/savages who would, for inexplicable reason, cut themselves wildly with sharp stones whilst dancing in the camp fire, apparently possessed by demons. Of course the dynamics of such a cultural collision quickly devolved into disgust, revulsion and, to a great degree, primordial suspicion amplified, of course, by the religious superstitions of both parties. And as history shows, the escalation from mindful, self-preserving, healthy suspicion, to active and ruthless violence, torture and war is always, and already, one peace pipe, one raped white woman, one whiskey shot, or one broken promise away.
These same people later braved the sinking of the Titanic, and now exist within a sort of metaphysical prison system of collective pathological fear* of every single thing in, and outside, their already heavily-filtered world. From objective things, and subjective events they can see happening in real time with their own eyes on television (the filter through which their conditioned world view arises), to things, or perhaps rather no-things they cannot see; that is, that which evades their individual and collective sensory perceptions, but of which, they are convinced, they'd better believe lest they commit an egregious and potentially dangerous anti-social faux pas. That is, they might accidentally offend someone hyper-micro-sensitive, e.g., a family member, friend, child, co-worker; some random person living upstate who isn't sure yet if they want to be defined as a lesbian, or a man, a deer, a log, or a trans-human cyborg. These are the current issues of a potentially offensive critique now being proscribed by culture and law, whereby anyone can identify themselves as anything, animate or inanimate, without fear of being called an idiot.
And so today, Americans are being programmed to consider themselves as potential victims of everyone from angry, hometown white supremacists periodically bombing government buildings with truckloads of cow manure, to suicidal, teenage “Neo-Nazi” Death Metal cult members shooting fellow high school students in the face, like puppies in a bathtub; random, mad, clown-faced, MK-Ultra experiments gone sideways shooting up people in movie theaters, to the theatrics of ISIS militants escalating U.S. involvement in wars in Iraq, Syria, et al.; to perhaps impregnating our own innocent, white Christian daughters by way of deliberate, liberal/conservative immigration policies in favor of cheap labor and genetic miscegenation... to angry, sexually-repressed Islamic terrorists who must wake up every morning thinking about blowing shit up because they dare not get laid, or perhaps even (wait for it) Islamic fundamentalists somehow flying our own damn jet airliners into our own damn economic epicenter of world trade, and (can you believe it?) go so far as to smash a hole in our own damn Pentagon (a story somehow proved by 12 frames of blurry surveillance footage of the one building anyone would have thought the most surveilled of all buildings in the whole damn world).
Well, the rest we can't tell you about. But now we can say, without fear of contradiction that the very concept of America turned out to be only another failed religion that everyone finally stopped believing in.
Part Two: Life is Hard