I alone now gladly sacrifice your lambs, your laws, your pseudo-saviors with ever intensifying desire having
Suffered a lifetime of all your God Damned spiritual, political, parental, educational, judgemental, psychological terrorisms;
All your fits of frustrated reason; all your final fallacious Appeals to Force; your forever static (when not utterly backward) Grand Narratives;
All your elitist and priestly-class language games rendering me lame in the face of your courts, economies and states.
To evade your merciless infliction's of pains and damnations; like horses totally broken we've gone down so very low to obey.
But I decided I'd be neither fluid nor food to all current past and future Vishnus;
Neither would I ever be phonetically, nor kinetically
dis-c o n n e c t-ed;
(nor quite
for that matter )
to-from Fish
or gh o s t s, but
aesthetically skeptical; now Dynami cally Synchronized, sensing fewer Trends
- Detail s...
quite fully AnnuLEd
of All Ultimate Principles.
Yet VishNu Zooms through Cartoon Rooms,
suSpen d e d in Brite Illu sions ;
Magically actiVa ted ,
Cali brate d as it were,
In the dark Arts of phosphorescent Avatar s ;
compulsive ly jumpstarting the RemarK a b l e , Spark L ing
Jag uar par ticles whilst
Pixelating the FlickeRing ShiVas
(and all such other sacred Animations imposing VirtUal El e mentals
from private stoc ks of Chaos in service of
the blind and desperate Bacchanalia s of Tomorrow.)